User talk:李天劼




诶,你个衬头每一篇文章字儿写多以点嘛,专门一句话语带过不好的。慢慢较来,我们两个杭州人一道儿编----Benjamin Jiperus讨论) 2013年6月11日 (礼拜两) 03:14 (UTC)

Re: 杭州方言问题[编辑]

你好,可能你对维基百科的政策有误解。作为管理员,我并不能决定这里该或不该写杭州话。事实上,我对此并没有任何意见。如果你觉得吴语维基百科应该加入杭州话的话,可以到Wikipedia:红茶坊发起讨论,等达成共识后就能作为新的方针了。(另外,虽然我不反对加入杭州话,但还是提醒你一下,杭州话当然属于吴语,但这和吴语维基百科该不该写杭州话是两件事。就像吴语虽属于中文,但中文维基百科就不该写吴语)--Stevenliuyi讨论) 2013年10月9日 (礼拜三) 00:36 (UTC)

Issue with your files uploads[编辑]


I can find some of the pictures you have uploaded this month on the Web. For example this one. Are you the owner of these files or did you found ?

If you're the owner of the files, you should upload them on Commons, with correct informations about the date of capture, the owner and licencing. If you found them on the Internet, please indicate their licencing, with the URL to verify it.


--Hercule Talk 2013年7月29日 (礼拜一) 08:51 (UTC)

If you don't reply to my message (I see on your user page that you're confident with english) before the next week I will consider that you uploaded non free media and will delete all the files you have uploaded here.
As this file is watermarked I'm sure you uploaded it illegally. If you upload one more illegal file I'll ban you, because of the legal issues you cause here. I hope this message is clear for you.
--Hercule Talk 2013年11月29日 (礼拜五) 14:38 (UTC)

弗许往吴语维基上上传文件,上传到共享资源去。你上传个图片已经全部删落。--满地红 扯老空 2014年2月12日 (礼拜三) 08:52 (UTC)


你好: 我是文言文維基個編輯者,杭州人,閣下原先亦來搭文言編輯過的,曉得的。吾更毛徠搭競選者個管理員個職位,閣下要是有興趣,請來個只頁面發表意見,只要得直接發表就好的,嫑得加其他個東西的。維基大典:有秩選舉/Benjamin Jiperus

真當謝謝你的嘞!----Benjamin Jiperus讨论) 2014年1月26日 (礼拜天) 19:47 (UTC)