User talk:Jyothis



Hercule, I see you have blocked my bot. It is a global bot and you can see the sul here. May I request you to unblock it? --Jyothis 2009年10月4日 (礼拜天) 19:08 (UTC)

Since you added a description your bot is unlocked. Even if your bot is global, the bot policy clearly indicates that it must have a user page with informations on how to contact the bot owner. Admins don't have to search for this information on external site. Note that you can request global creation of its user pages.
On Wu Wikipedia the global bots are not allowed. To run your bot here you must make a request at Wikipedia:机器人 (you can continue editing during the bot flag procedure.
--Hercule Talk 2009年10月4日 (礼拜天) 20:04 (UTC)