《啊,加拿大》或《哦!加拿大》(英语:O Canada、法语:Ô Canada)是加拿大国歌。《啊,加拿大》从1939年起成为事实上个加拿大国歌,但直到1980年才成为法定国歌。佢瑲朞只有兩隻官方認可个版本:英文搭法文。
官方个英文歌詞是羅伯特·史丹利·韋爾(Robert Stanley Weir)法官在1908年寫个詩,搭法文版弗是完全對譯。1968年,加拿大國會上下議院聯席委員會對英文官方版歌詞進行爻許修改。
- O Canada! Our home and native land!
- True patriot love, in all of us command.
- With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
- The True North strong and free!
- From far and wide, O Canada,
- We stand on guard for thee.
- God keep our land, glorious and free!
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- 哦,加拿大,我侇个好家園!
- 真情為國,诚挚熱心有我。
- 自由脊身 ,堅毅心靈,
- 真北邦有巨人醒!
- 嘸遠弗屆,哦,加拿大,
- 万民欢呼和應。
- 上主福臨,永續太平!
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.
- Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.
- How dear to us thy broad domain,
- From East to Western sea.
- Thou land of hope for all who toil!
- Thou True North, strong and free!
- God keep our land glorious and free!
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- 哦,加拿大,楓葉/松樹生在箇裡。
- 嘸邊曠野 綠波盪漾千里。
- 疆域廣闊,境界包容,
- 連結东西两大洋。
- 親手開拓,希望天地!
- 北邦自強獨立!
- 上主福臨,永續太平!
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies
- May stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,
- To keep thee steadfast through the years
- From east to western sea,
- Our own beloved native land!
- Our True North, strong and free!
- God keep our land glorious and free
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- 哦,加拿大,尔璀璨晴空下,
- 廣袤國土,養育尔眾兒女。
- 歲月輪轉,真心弗換,
- 從海岸到海岸。
- 願我摯愛,生息天地,
- 北邦自強獨立!
- 上主福臨,永續太平!
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
- Hold our dominion within thy loving care;
- Help us to find, O God, in thee A lasting, rich reward,
- As waiting for the better Day,
- We ever stand on guard.
- God keep our land glorious and free
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
- 至高天父,我謙虛來禱告,
- 尔愛廣闊,畀我國運長保;
- 借尔全能,指引我等,
- 共有山川个富藏,
- 為著明朝,我眾福旺,
- 我願為國長守望。
- 上主福臨,永續太平!
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。
- 哦,加拿大,我侇勇敢保護佢。