


伊本·阿拉比(阿拉伯语:阿拉伯语أبو عبد الله محمد بن علي بن محمد بن عربي الحاتمي الطائي‎,1165年—1240年)是一个安达卢西亚个苏菲派神秘主义者、诗人搭子哲学家。[1] 苏菲派称渠为“最伟大个大师”[2],渠也可以被认为是一个真正个圣人。[3]


  1. See Fatuhat al Makkiyyah ("The Meccan revelations", passim).
  2. Attested by many legendary scholars of Shariah such as al-Alusi al-Hanafi in his magnificent Tafsir where he addressed the Sheikh as: The Sheikh ul Akbar (greatest sheikh), Muhayuddin Ibn Arabi Qudus Allah Ta’la Sira [Ruh ul Ma’ani Volume # 7, Page # 741, the arabic of which states: الشيخ الأكبر محيـي الدين بن عربـي قدس اللـه تعالى سره ]
  3. Al-Suyuti, Tanbih al-Ghabi fi Tanzih Ibn ‘Arabi (p. 17-21)